关于「 peraire」的内容列表

Two brothers suspected of using MEV robots to steal $25 million cryptocurrency will stand trial in 2025

Two brothers, Anton and James Peraire-Bueno, will stand trial on October 14, 2025, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York for allegedly stealing $25 million in cryptocurrency by utilizing a Maximum Extractable Value (MEV) bot. They are charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, money laundering and other crimes. According to the Department of Justice, the brothers illegally obtained cryptocurrency in just 12 seconds and hid assets through shelf companies and...

2024-08-19 19:59:08

两兄弟Anton和James Peraire-Bueno因涉嫌通过利用最大可提取价值 (MEV) 机器人盗取2500万美元加密货币,将于2025年10月14日在纽约南区美国地方法院接受审判。他们被指控串谋实施电信欺诈、洗钱等罪行。据司法部称,这对兄弟在短短12秒内非法获取了加密货币,并通过空壳公司和外国交易所隐藏资产。目前,两人均已被释放,保释金为25万美元,并受到旅行限制。如果罪...

2024-08-19 19:59:08

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